A little history about Wolfpack
Welcome to our page about Wolfpack and Myth:TFL. At this time we have a pensive rumination by Magellan, who clearly had nothing better to do one night then overanalyze the game. Other stories from other Wolfpack members may appear here in the future.
Why Wolfpack rediscovered TFL
By Magellan
Wolfpack didn't exist when Myth:TFL burned brightest. Sure, TFL was the game of games in 1998. But Wolfpack, as an order, is very much a sequel clan, for its original members first met each other on bungie.net's Myth II online gaming server in early 1999. The group called itself the "Late Night Wolf Pack" and grew from the nightly games hosted by Dragon and Lady Arwen. Later that spring, Wolfpack was formed as a Myth II clan.
As the order grew and matured, members began exploring other games together to the point where Myth II's dominance in Wolfpack became eclipsed by the aggregate of other offerings. By the end of 2000, Wolfpack had evolved to a stage where a seemingly endless list of online games successfully competed for the finite recreation time of the membership. It is somehow ironic that in such a culture of multigaming, Wolfpack did not revisit TFL in earnest and as a group until the spring of 2001.
So why did Wolfpack return to TFL at all?
There are a few reasons that explain the renewed interest. For starters, several members decided it would be a good thing to subject TFL to the Wolfpack Legendary No Casualties (WPLNC) challenge, which had afforded countless hours of epic gaming in Myth II. Wolfpack had won bungie.org's Myth Master Challenge in the Myth II Division based entirely on its WPLNC campaign. In addition, TFL was making guest appearances to a cell of dedicated Myth II players led by Ranulf. This group was forging ahead with LNC objectives on third party maps, and several of these maps were TFL missions ported to Myth II. Possibly another influential action was sparked by an upgrade to Wolfpack's Hotline server. This upgrade led to an audit of some unlabeled Myth II films, which subsequently revealed Wolfpack had quite a few more worthy submissions to the Myth Master Challenge. At that point, it made sense for Wolfpack to finish what it started at the Myth Master web site and submit a full library: challenge-worthy film sets from TFL, Myth II, and Chimera.
If Wolfpack was making a leap back in time by exploring Myth's past glory in TFL, perhaps some of the motivation was inspired by the game's developers. Around the same time Wolfpack started attempting LNC missions in TFL, the new developers of the Myth series were boasting Myth III to be a prequel set in the time before TFL. Not only would Myth III's story attempt a return to some sense of origins, but the gameplay itself would reconsider technical features introduced in TFL but abandoned or replaced in Myth II.
Surely this had to raise the interest level in TFL, even if only subconsciously. If Myth III might adopt elements of TFL gameplay, it became an entirely fair question to ask what exactly is TFL gameplay? Did anyone really remember? The truth would be elusive and would be best found through actual time spent in the game.
It remains to be said whether an order built and bred on the Myth II game engine will ever be able to respect a TFL-style Dwarf who has to throw a cocktail straight up to tag a target a mere four paces away. Just as unlikely is getting a Myth II player to accept the logic of a TFL Warrior shift-click melee attack resulting in the deaths of friendly Archers. But one thing is for sure, TFL broke barriers when it was first released, and still has enough game left in it to inspire Wolfpack to get to know its roots.
Do you have a Wolfpack story you would like to add to this section? If so e-mail it to Magellan. Remember that topics on this page should somehow address Wolfpack and its relationship with Myth:TFL. If you have some Wolfpack history that is more appropriate elsewhere on the web site, we'll find a home for it. |